Category: SEO Automation

  • Using ImportXML in Sheets for SEO & Scraping

    Using ImportXML in Sheets for SEO & Scraping

    Often as SEO’s we need to review content and data points on different URLs. Screaming Frog is an amazing tool for this but when we are working with a list of less than 1,000 and only need a couple of data points I find it way easier to use Google Sheets in built Scraping. Gimme!…

  • FuzzyMatch for Automated Redirect Mapping [FREE Colab Script]

    FuzzyMatch for Automated Redirect Mapping [FREE Colab Script]

    Howdy folks, below you’ll find a script to help you match old 404 URLs with new URLs! This means that rather than playing matchy with URLs you can click play and let Fuzzy Match do the work for you. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! the script now – Take a copy or use the script now! This…

  • Keyword Clustering & Intent for SEO [FREE Colab Script]

    Keyword Clustering & Intent for SEO [FREE Colab Script]

    Welcome all, below you can find a quick guide to allow you to take CSV with a list of up to 50,000 keywords and cluster them and add the keyword intent as well. Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! the script now – Take a copy or use the script now! Thank you to these geniuses I have…